Teenagers Acne Problem Is Linked With Overweight |
Teenagers Acne Problem is one of the most common problem for young people.Overweight girls in their late teens were twice as likely as
their normal-weight peers to report having a lot of acne in a large new survey
of Norwegian teenagers that did not find the same link in boys.
Some 3,600 young people in Oslo, aged 18 and 19, provided
information on their teenagers acne problem, weight, diet and other health and lifestyle
Only about a tenth of the girls and 15 percent of the boys
fell into the overweight or obese categories, based on their body mass index (a
measure of weight relative to height).
But among the overweight and obese girls, 19 out of every
100 said they had experienced a lot of acne problem in the past week, compared to 13 of
every 100 normal-weight girls who reported recent acne problem. When the researchers took into account other potential
influences, such as diet, smoking and "mental distress," they
determined that overweight and obese girls were twice as likely to have teenagers acne problem.
Among the boys, about 14 out of every 100 have teenagers acne problem,
regardless of weight.
In general, researchers say between 10 percent and 20
percent of adolescents experience moderate to severe acne. Many studies have
documented the emotional and social difficulties that go along with the
problem, especially during the sensitive teen years.
With a growing number of teens becoming overweight and obese
- a circumstance that carries its own social stigma - the Norwegian team writes
in the Archives of Dermatology, they wanted to investigate whether there's a
There are physiological factors related to obesity that
could explain the Norwegian results, said Dr. Nanette Silverberg, director of
pediatric and adolescent dermatology at St. Luke's and Beth Israel Medical
Centers in New York and a clinical professor at Columbia University.
For instance, high blood pressure, insulin resistance and
hormonal changes, which frequently accompany obesity, "are in the pathway
of influence" for acne, said Silverberg, who was not involved in the new
"Maybe changes in the level of insulin and other
hormones are altered in overweight adolescents, and this can increase the
formation of acne," said Dr. Jon Halvorsen, a researcher at Oslo
University Hospital who led the study.
Although his results showed a link in girls between being
overweight and having acne, they don't prove that one causes the other.
Because the pattern was confined to girls, though, "it
is possible that polycystic ovarian syndrome can explain some of our
findings," Halvorsen told Reuters Health in an email.
Polycystic ovary syndrome is a condition whose cause is
poorly understood but symptoms include too-high levels of male hormones, and
often both obesity and teenagers acne problem.
Halvorsen's team couldn't rule out that any of the girls had
been diagnosed with the syndrome.
Genetics are also considered important in the development of
Although diet contributes to weight gain, it's not clear
that food is to blame for what the researchers found.
When they took into account how many sweets, potato chips
and soft drinks the girls usually had, the higher acne rates among overweight
girls remained.
"The role of nutrition is controversial, and more
studies are needed," Halvorsen said.
Silverberg said there is some evidence from other studies
showing that poor diets do contribute to acne.
"Whatever you think is bad for you, eating high-sugar
foods, large amounts of carbohydrates, all these things have a negative long
term affect on acne. And this is particularly true in the teenage years,"
she told Reuters Health.
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